
Game Review: A Journey to the Savage World of Monster Hunter World

There is a high chance that you’ve heard about Monster Hunter World if you consider yourself a hardcore gamer. It has been a hot topic in the gaming community and has attracted the attention of both old-school fans and newcomers. This game review aims to pique your interest or at the very least, give you a bit of insight into the thrilling world of Monster Hunter World.

Monster Hunter World, a part of the Monster Hunter series, is a brainchild of Capcom, known for pushing the boundaries of the gaming industry with their innovative yet fun designs. Releasing multiple games throughout the years, Capcom has consistently taken gamers by surprise — and Monster Hunter World proves no exception.

An Exciting Blend of Exploration and Hunt

Upon starting the game, you’ll find yourself aboard a massive travelling vessel known as the Fifth Fleet heading towards the New World. Your primary role as a hunter? Aid in the Research Commission’s cause in exploring this strange yet intriguing world teeming with gargantuan creatures.

What makes Monster Hunter World stand apart from its predecessors is the jaw-droppingly beautiful environment. You’d feel as if you’ve stepped into a new realm altogether. Monster Hunter World presents sprawling landscapes of dense forests, sandy deserts, and eerie caves, each with their unique ecosystem creating a realistic sense of a living, breathing world.

Indeed, the concept of survival is more real and raw than ever, as you must scavenge, craft, and slay in this odd yet captivating “new world.” To help you on these dangerous hunts, your loyal buddy, the Palico, is there to assist in a multitude of ways.

The Thrill of the Hunt

The true adrenaline rush, however, is in the main plot’s primary objective – the hunts. You are to track, engage and then defeat a variety of fearsome monsters. These colossal beasts each have their unique attributes, fighting style, and weaknesses. It pushes you as a player to constantly adapt, strategize and employ different tactics. The sense of accomplishment you feel after finally bringing down a tough monster after painstaking preparation is unparalleled in the gaming world.

The combat is a cause for celebration in Monster Hunter World. It feels refined, flexible and, most importantly, intensively gratifying. The choice of weapons is also vast — with each weapon having its strengths, weaknesses, combos and unique style. It adds an extra layer of complexity that may feel daunting at first but contributes to the overall enthralling experience.

Dress to Kill

Another aspect that Monster Hunter World nails is the Armor system. The thrill of crafting your top-tier equipment from the remains of your monstrous kills is hard to top. Each armor not only provides different levels of protection but also imparts various skills. It makes you feel the progress in your journey, visually and ability-wise.

Community Matters

Monster Hunter World is a solo game, but the multiplayer component is a treat. Hunting with friends or complete strangers online adds an entirely different and enjoyable dynamic. It truly is a spectacle to be a part of synchronized attacks on a monster who would overpower any single hunter.

The Not So Good

It isn’t all sunshine and rainbows though. The main campaign feels sluggish at times and can feel repetitious. Some may not appreciate the grind required to advance through the game. The story, although engaging, is a bit thin.

The large number of mechanics, despite being interesting, can be overwhelming for newcomers. The tutorial, although it tries, doesn’t do an adequate job of explaining them. There isn’t a sufficiently clear progression system or direct guidance for the players, which can be a bit frustrating.

Moreover, the matchmaking system for multiplayer has a few quirks. Though not game-breaking, it is unnecessarily complicated and could do with a bit of streamlining.


To wrap up this game review, Monster Hunter World offers a brilliantly savage world. It gives you a sense of immersion, matched by breathtaking graphics and a brilliantly designed ecosystem. Yes, it might feel daunting at first, but once you get a grip on the mechanics, it becomes an obsession. Truly, it’s a game that demands your time and patience but rewards it back in the form of a wildly entertaining experience. For all its flaws and a seemingly steep learning curve, Monster Hunter World is worth exploring if you have a taste for high-stakes adventure and epic monster battles.